Meijer holiday 
wishlist app

UX/UI Design
A refresh/update/redesign for a regional retailer’s holiday wishlist app. Designed for kids to use and for parents to benefit from. This refresh was aiming to add functionality to make it even more fun for kids, ease the holdiday stress for grown-ups, and create even more points where the client could track their success. 

content focused navigation 
and exploration

The kids’ experience was by far the most fun to explore and craft. It focused on ease of use and navigation for kids to fill their wishlist with little effort.

the chip-in

This feture facilitated group purchases of big-ticket items by way of in-app or in-store contribution. Anything to lower the barrier for the customer and brighten a kid’s holiday.

When the contributions met the price of the item it would be marked as “claimed”. If the item wasn’t fully covered it could be “cashed out” as a gift card towards the item.

gamifying your wishlist

Why not turn something that’s already fun into something funner? This feature would hides gifts around the toy universes for kids to find while they add to their list.

The reward for finding these presents would include bragging rights, coupons, or app and game content through partnered promotions.

practical stuff for the grown-ups

No one should spend their holiday season running around desperately trying to find that chase toy for the season. That’s why we incorprated some practical functions.

This Hot Holiday Item feature can easily help find what the littles want without wasting grown-up’s time and gas.