LEGO Batman’s birthday

Art Direction
Set Design
To celebrate Batman's 75th year of existence we threw him a birthday party right on the homepage of From there, fans were encouraged to build their gifts for Batman and share them to the community gallery.
Along with other LEGO Batman celebration media, this campaign drew in over 2,000 submissions to the gallery, as well as a massive spike in sales of Batman/DC theme sets from then again everything is better with Batman.

home page takeover

Animations like this were created by my 3d teammate and then overlayed onto the homepage with background graphics. This allowed for easily swapable backgrounds giving a fresh feel through the 4-6 weeks of a build campaign. For this campaign, each week we refreshed the background to a different Batman location and filled it with more gifts.

heroing the fans and thier builds

One of my, and fans’, favorite parts of these building campagins was the recogniziton of the hardwork and creativity. For this, and a few other choice campaigns, we featured user generated creations on the official LEGO social media channels.